

出诊地点: 北京大学第三医院


基本情况学位:博士 毕业院校:北京大学医学部专业:妇产科学 技术职称:副主任医师专业特长毕业于北京大学医学部,师从著名生殖医学专家乔杰院士,多年来一直从事生殖内分泌、不孕症及辅助生育的临床工作。研究方向为多囊卵巢综合征的诊断和治疗,不明原因性不孕的治疗及人工授精、体外受精-胚胎移植等辅助生殖技术的应用。科研工作从博士期间起,致力于多囊卵巢综合征的发病机理及治疗的研究;工作中结合临床实践,继续进行多囊卵巢综合征患者不同促排卵方案治疗效果的临床研究;同时,也分析并发表了关于不明原因不孕患者治疗的促排卵及人工授精妊娠结局的大样本数据,并正在进行前瞻性的临床研究。在SCI期刊发表专业论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,参与研究工作获得北京市科技进步二等奖及华夏医学科技二等奖。学术兼职北京健康教育协会性生殖健康教育专委会委员获奖情况2017年,北京大学教学成果一等奖2017年,北京市高等教育成果奖二等奖2016年,北京大学医学部**教师2015年,北京大学第十五届青年教师基本功比赛一等奖2015年,北京大学第三医院青年教师授课比赛一等奖2013年,华夏医学科技奖二等奖,参与课题“多囊卵巢综合征患者卵母细胞成熟障碍相关机制研究”2011年,北京市科学技术进步二等奖,参与课题“多囊卵巢综合征病因学及治疗方法的研究”论文1. Shuo Huang, Rui Wang, Rong Li, Haiyan Wang, Jie Qiao, Ben Willem J Mol. Ovarian stimulation in infertile women treated with intrauterine insemination: a cohort study from China. Fertility & Sterility, 2018, 109(5): 872-878.2. Shuo Huang, Xiaoguo Du, Rui Wang, Rong Li, Haiyan Wang, Li Luo, Sean O’Leary, Jie Qiao, Ben W. J. Mol. Ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a comparison of drugs. European Journal of Obstetrics& Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2018, 231: 117-121.3. MA. Gadalla, Shuo Huang, Rui Wang, Robert J. Norman, Sayed A. Abdullah, Ali M. El Saman, Alaa M. Ismail, Madelon van Wely, Ben W. J. Mol. The effect of clomiphene citrate on endometrial thickness, ovulation, pregnancy and live birth in anovulatory women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology , 2018 , 51 (1): 64-764. Shuo Huang, Yanli Pang, Jie Yan, Shengli Lin, Yue Zhao, Li Lei, Liying Yan, Rong Li, Caihong Ma, Jie Qiao. Fractalkine restores the decreased expression of StAR and progesterone in granulosa cells from patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Scientific Reports, 2016; 6: 26205.5. Shengli Lin, Rong Li, Shuo Huang, Lianming Zhao, Ming Li, Junsheng Li, Jinliang Zhu, Xiaoying Zheng, Jin Huang, Ping Liu, Jie Qiao, Evaluation of syphilis serostatus on the safety of IVF treatment, Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 2014, 29(6): 756-760.6. Shengli Lin, Rong Li, Hongbin Chi, Shuo Huang, Hua Zhang, Xiaoying Zheng, Ping Liu, Jie Qiao, Effect of ABO blood type on ovarian reserve in Chinese women, Fertility& Sterility, 2014, 102(6): 1729-1732.7. Zhao Pan-Lin, Zhang Qiu-Fang, Yan Li-Ying, Huang Shuo, Chen Yuan, Qiao Jie, Functional investigation on aromatase in endometrial hyperplasia in polycystic ovary syndrome cases., Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014, 15(20): 8975-8979.8. Shuo Huang, Ping Zhao, Liying Yang, Yuan Chen, Jie Yan, Enkui Duan, Jie Qiao. Fractalkine is expressed in the human ovary and increases progesterone biosynthesis in human luteinised granulosa cells. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 2011, 9: 95. 9. Ping Zhao, Jie Qiao, Shuo Huang, Ying Zhang, Shuang Liu, Li-Ying Yan, Aaron J. W. Hsueh and En-Kui Duan. Gonadotrophin-induced paracrine regulation of human oocyte maturation by BDNF and GDNF secreted by granulosa cells. Human Reproduction. 2011, 26(3): 695-702.10. Shuo Huang, Jie Qiao, Rong Li, Lina Wang, Meizhi Li. Can serum apolipoprotein C-I demonstrate metabolic abnormality early in women with polycystic ovary syndrome? Fertility & Sterility, 2010, 94(1): 205-10.11. Yuan Chen, Jie Qiao, Liying Yan, Shuo Huang, Panlin Zhao, Jie Yan. Selective impairment in glycogen synthase kinase-3 and mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation: comparisons with the hyperandrogenic and the hyperinsulinemic rats. Fertility & Sterility, 2009, 92(4): 1447-55. 12. 黄铄,李蓉,陈新娜,王海燕,马彩虹,刘平,乔杰。体外受精-胚胎移植中促性腺激素用药时间对妊娠结局的影响。北京大学学报(医学版),2013, 45(6): 873-876。13. 陈琨,马彩虹,黄铄,杜晓果,乔杰。子宫内膜轻微吸刮术改善反复着床失败妇女妊娠结局的应用。实用妇产科杂志, 2013(8): 586-588.14. 乔杰,李蓉,李莉,黄铄。多囊卵巢综合征流行病学研究。中国实用妇科与产科杂志,2013(11): 849-852.著作与译著1. 乔杰,李蓉,于洋,丁婷,王颖,王天任,王丽娜,王海燕,毛加明,石小丹,卢翠玲,白泉,包丝雨,朱锦亮,任秀莲,刘娜娜,刘艳玲,闫丽盈,严杰,李明,李莉,李敏,杨艳,杨硕,杨蕊,迟洪滨,张露,张春梅,张浩琳,陈诚,陈媛,林胜利,郑晓英,孟玉菡,赵平,赵越,赵红翠,姜辉,洪锴,夏曦,高江曼,唐文豪,黄铄,黄翔,黄颖,傅莉,廉颖,张炎,《生育力保护与生育储备》,北京大学医学出版社,61.2万字,2013.(“十二五国家重点图书”) 2. 李蓉,毛加明,刘德风,杜晓果,杨硕,杨蕊,宋颖,罗莉,庞天舒,赵连明,姜辉,徐仰英,郭艳薇,唐文豪,黄铄,薛晴,《生殖医生日记与点评》,人民卫生出版社,18.1万字,2013.


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