基本信息 职 称:副主任医师 职 务: 院 区:东院 科 室:消化科 医疗专长:擅长各类慢性肝病包括慢性病毒性肝炎、自身免疫性肝病、不明原因肝损伤、肝硬化相关并发症的诊治。 门诊时间:周四下午 教育经历 1990/09-1995/07,上海第二医科大学,临床医疗系,学士 1995/09-1998/07,上海第二医科大学,内科学,硕士 2002/09-2005/07,上海交通大学医学院,消化内科,博士 2006/11-2008/12,美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院胃肠和肝病内科,博士后 学术职务 上海肝病学会脂肪肝学组委员,国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,JDD杂志编委 论文著作 1. Lian Min, Hua Jing#, Sheng Li, Qiu Dekai. The prevalence and significance of autoantibodies in patients with alcoholic liver disease.J Dig Dis 2013;14(7):396-401. 2. Tang T, Sui Y, Lian M, Li Z, Hua J#.Pro-Inflammatory Activated Kupffer Cells by Lipids Induce Hepatic NKT Cells Deficiency through Activation-Induced Cell Death. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e81949. 3. 汤桐芳,隋永恒,华静#。a-GalCer诱导的急性肝损伤时肝内kupffer细胞表型和功能的变化。胃肠病学,2013;18:216-220. 4. Jing Hua,Shuwen Liang,Xiong Ma,Tonya J.Webb,James P.Potter,Zhiping Li.The interaction between regulatory T cells and NKT cells in the liver:a CD1d bridge links innate and adaptive immunity.PloS ONE ,6(11):e27038,2011 5. Jing Hua,Xiong Ma,Zhiping Li. Dietary fatty acids modulates antigen presentation to hepatic NKT cells in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.J Lipid Res ,51:1696-1703,2010. 6. Xiong Ma,Jing Hua,Zhiping Li.Probiotics Improve High-fat Diet Induced Steatosis and Insulin Resistance through Modulation of Hepatic NKT cells.J Hepatol,49:821-830.2008(co-first author) 7. Xiong Ma,Jing Hua,Abdiaziz Mohamood,Abdel R. Hamad,Rajani Ravi,and Zhiping Li. A High-Fat Diet and Regulatory T Cells Influence Susceptibility to Endotoxin-Induced Liver Injury.Hepatology,46:1519-1529,2007. 8. Jing Hua,De-Kai Oiu,Ji-Qiang Li,et al.Expression of Toll-like receptor 4 in rat liver during the course of carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury.J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 22:862-9,2007.