

出诊地点: 上海仁济医院


职 称:主治医师,职 务:科主任助理,院 区:东院,科 室:麻醉科,医疗专长:擅长各种手术的麻醉,包括普外科、心脏外科、胸外科、脑外科、妇产科以及骨科等手术的麻醉,教育经历,2006.12 - 2011.2 美国UT MD Anderson Cancer Center,博士后,2001.9 - 2004.7 南京大学生命科学院,博士,1995.9 - 2001.9 南京大学医学院,本硕连读,学术职务,《临床麻醉学》杂志英文审稿专家,论文著作1. Tian J, Gu Y, Sun K, Wang B, Chen J, Wang X, Su D. [D-Ala2, D-Leu5] encephalin (DADLE) reversibly inhibits cellular transcription in neurons without causing cell injury. Brain Res. 2014;1565:1-7. (IF: 2.828),2. Tian J, Berton TR, Shirley SH, Lambertz I, Gimenez-Conti IB, DiGiovanni J, Korach KS, Conti CJ, Fuchs-Young R. Developmental stage determines estrogen receptor alpha expression and non-genomic mechanisms that control IGF-1 signaling and mammary proliferation in mice. J. Clin. Invest., 2012;122:192-204. (IF: 13.765),3. Tian J, Lambertz I, Berton TR, Rundhaug JE, Kiguchi K, Shirley SH, DiGiovanni J, Conti CJ, Fischer SM, Fuchs-Young R. Transgenic insulin-like growth factor-1 stimulates activation of COX-2 signaling in mammary glands. Mol. Carcinog., 2012;51:973-983. (IF: 4.77),4. Tian J, Wang Y, He Z, Gao Y, Rundhaug JE, Wang X. Hydroxyethyl starch (130 kD) inhibits Toll-Like Receptor 4 signaling pathways in rat lungs challenged with lipopolysaccharide. Anesth. Analg., 2011;113:112-119. (IF: 3.422),5. Tian J, Gu Y, Su D, Wu Y, Wang X. Effects of intrathecal lidocaine on hyperalgesia and allodynia following chronic constriction injury in rats. Eur. J. Pain, 2009;13:130-137. (IF: 3.218),获得荣誉,2014年获仁济医院**共产党员;,2013年获上海交通大学医学院九龙医学杰出青年人才;,2005年获仁济医院优青后备。


邹静 主治医师
周智华 主治医师
周艳 主治医师